Sometimes getting started and staying with a project can be the most difficult thing of all. Why is this$%: Why does it seem to be in our nature to begin something and then
struggle to find the time or energy to stay the course$%:

Basic human nature. We need to learn about ourselves and just the human tendency to
put off today what we can do tomorrow.

We all struggle with procrastination particularly when it comes to our health, diet and fitness regimen.
One thing we all can do is set goals for ourselves. When setting these goals, it is
very important to set realistic goals - goals that are attainable and within our reach and are realistic.

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Whether our goal is to get in the best physical shape of our lives, or to get ripped and muscular, we need to be realistic yet driven to succeed.

I know from personal experience (having lost 44 pounds and keeping it off), that proper and REALISTIC goals are attainable in your fitness program. Just by applying
oneself to a proper health, diet and fitness program and proper nutrition,
you can achieve FANTASTIC results. Regardless of whether you desire to just get and
stay lean and healthy, or you want to buff up and get ripped - you can begin today.

You can start today. Learn which exercise provides the best results and as much as you can about proper diet and nutrition and the best way to
achieve the results you desire.

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Start your journey today! If I did it, I know you can too. Today is the day to start
on your journey to health and vitality. Don't put it off. Give yourself the gift of
good health and look GREAT too!

Health - Diet - Fitness []


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